Layout Exercise #3
In class, create the page shown below in HTML and and apply CSS styles as appropriate. When you are done, publish it to the web server and show it to me online for credit.
See below to download several files you will need to complete the exercise.
Use the following files:
Right click each of the following two images and save into /exercises/images.
- Partially marked-up file is ex3.html. Right-click to download if you want it.
- Filename should be ex3.html, and style sheet should be named ex3-style.css, and saved in the /css folder.
- Use HTML Reference and CSS Reference if necessary.
- #wrapper has width: 750px; and border: 1px solid #000;
- Set the header background color to be the same red color as the logo, and use padding on the logo image to position the logo appropriately.
- Set font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; in an appropriate CSS rule.
- aside has the background color #ffffcc;
- Set the document title to be Denver Barn Dance.
- Consult List Navigation Example if you need help styling navigation.
- Us the br tag to get the line breaks in the aside.
- Use Blind Text Generator to create your dummy text. Make sure it's different from mine.
- Publish when you are done, verify, and submit the URL in the Canvas assignment.